#version 3.1; // scene description + macro + transformation matrix #include "complex-scene.inc" #include "complex-orient.inc" // ligand molecule #declare lig = object{ #include "ligand.inc" } // generic surface object #declare surf = grasp_surface { "complex.srf" verbose finish{ diffuse 0.6 specular 0.75 roughness 0.005 } } // left complex with potentials union { object{lig} grasp_surface { "complex.srf" with surf colored_by potentials gradient rgb<1,.25,.25>,rgb 1,rgb<.25,.25,1> range <-15,0,15> } transform complexorient scale <1,1,-SYSTEM> correct_translate(-30,0,0) } // right complex with curvatures union { object{lig} grasp_surface { "complex.srf" with surf colored_by curvatures gradient rgb .5,rgb 1,rgb<.25,1,.25> range <-50,0,15> } transform complexorient scale <1,1,-SYSTEM> correct_translate(30,0,0) }